Some of the words on the advertisement may be fuzzy to read so I put the words down below:
Top Right Corner:
Recent studies suggest that including 24 ounces of lowfat or fat free milk a day in a reduced calorie diet may help you turn more fat and lose more weight than cutting calories alone.
Bottom Left-Middle:
"Something to watch."
"Your weight, that is. Between taping a live show and keeping an eye on my kids, it’s hard to find time to do anything else. But I always make time for milk. So drink to your health. And to your waistline."
Print Below American Heart Association line:
Products displaying the heart-check mark meet American Heart Association food criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol for healthy people over age 2.
The American Heart Association's "mission is to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke." The American Heart Association is a very well-known and knowledgeable source when it comes to maintaining a healthy heart. One of the main reasons I accept the claim that drinking milk will contribute to a healthy heart is that the association is a "reputable authority" in which I can trust "as an expert on this kind of claim and who has no motive to mislead." (Epstein 87).
Also, based on personal experiences, drinking milk has made me feel livelier and helps maintain my weight. The only part of this advertisement that I found vague, was the excerpt "Recent studies suggest that including 24 ounces of lowfat or fat free milk a day in a reduced calorie diet may help you turn more fat and lose more weight than cutting calories alone." I am not sure where the recent studies originated from, but according to the American Heart Association recognizing that milk as meeting their food criteria, they could be a plausible source for making such a study.