Sunday, November 7, 2010

7 Ways To Reason

1). Reasoning by Analogy

--> Involves a comparison. Keep in mind, that just because there is a comparison, it does not mean that it is an argument.

EX) A dog is from the Canid family and so is the fox. If people can safely have a dog as a pet, then a fox should be safe as a pet too.

2). Sign Reasoning

--> An assumption that “one thing or event is a reliable indicator of another thing or event.”

EX) Julie did not pick up her phone when I tried to call her. She must be busy at work.

3). Casual Reasoning

--> “Any cause leads to a certain effect. It is seen as an example of inductive reasoning.”

EX) I stayed out late playing video games with my friends last night instead of getting sleep for the marathon I have today, so this led to my poor performance during my race.

4). Reasoning by Criteria

--> Deciding whether the criteria is valid or not.

EX) How do you know if going to the bar to celebrate a 20th birthday party is appropriate? Let’s talk it out and possibly think of another safe location.

5). Reasoning by Example

--> Using examples in an argument to prove a point. The examples can involve anecdotes, a common scenario, or a metaphor.

EX) Do you really want to become a doctor? You have to go through at least 9 years of schooling and it’s such difficult work. Are you sure you can manage such a commitment?

6). Inductive

--> Uses “inferences from observations in order to make generalizations.”

EX) Your friends know how to make their own rice. You can too.

7). Deductive

--> It is a form of valid reasoning. All parties in this reasoning are deemed accepted and not pondered.

EX) 1. Spiders are arachnids.

2. A tarantula is a spider.

3. The tarantula is an arachnid.

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