Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thoughts On: Cause and Effect website

I felt the Cause and Effect to be a confusing website to comprehend in one gulp due to all the information being splayed throughout the web page. If they had condensed it by narrowing down and outlining the important information of casual arguments, it may have been clearer for me to understand and grasp the content the first time. Although, there were some interesting examples on the website that partially guided me to understand the concept of casual arguments.

What confused me the most was the example of the bicyclist and the illegal truck. First it explains the claims given by the bicyclist and illegal truck to defend their cases "seems to fit the pattern of an inductive argument, because none of them seems based on observation or experience. But, in fact, they do fit that pattern. " And then the explanation transitions to that inductive reasoning are based on observed instances, yet this particular argument did not require such observations because of the similar arguments that the lawyers came up with? That part left me dumbfounded in determining when a casual argument can make do without using observational instances to defend a stance.

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